Gold Bar-B-Q

Where Friends & BBQ Come Together

It finallly arrived yesterday. I put it together and found the following basic observations.
-I haven't used it yet, will do so on Saturday, but found it to be tight fitting and good finish with the only defect being a spot about 6 sq in on the bottom edge of the water pan where the porcelyn finish did not adhere correctly.
-I tested the thermometer in boiling water and it seemed to be very close.
-The parts seem to be nice and round and close fitting.
-The charcoal ring is huge and it looks ready to cook a cow.

I'm doing ribs on Saturday, two styles, and will post pictures of the finished cook.


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Comment by Brian Moriarty on February 8, 2009 at 11:15am
Very nice Lou! I was checking them out at Sutters in Woodinville ($399+tax) One thing I had read about them was the charcoal grate touching the vents causing them to stay open, I took it apart to see for myself and if not aligned it will keep the vent from closing. Just an FYI

Laren- no probe eyelets on the new WSM's

Bob B- Home Depot has the new Kingsford- I picked up 4 bags last week but its still sitting in my garage.
Comment by Lou on February 7, 2009 at 11:25am
Laren: It does not have probe holes and the fit around the lid joint is pretty tight. I don't know if a probe wire will fit through or notl
I'm cooking ribs as I write and so far it has worked impressively.
I used minion start, one chimney cold and one hot. Full open vent and full water pan it rapidly went to about 300 degrees and held it until I put in the full top grate of ribs using a rack and four St. Louis cut ribs with cut-off pieces on the sides.
It dialed back to about 220 with top vent open and three bottom vents nearly closed.
I'm watching it carefully and will report back on how it works.
Comment by Laren Monson on February 6, 2009 at 10:20pm
I'm wondering does it have Probe holes allready in it ? Are you you going to do any Mod's. The Unit looks nice, the R2-D2 theme is starting to get in me ! Hope it does long cook's, I'll have to check the long hour cook's on the Weber Site, Have fun, Laren Monson
Comment by Lou on February 6, 2009 at 8:07pm

This is my new 22.5.
Comment by Gold Bar-B-Q Bob Beeman on February 6, 2009 at 7:48pm
Tuesday I posted a Podcast on the home page. From Kingsford talking about the new charcoal if you have not listened to it check it out. They are saying it is in stores in the warmer states and making it way west and should be in all stores by April. I am looking forward to it.
Comment by Lou on February 6, 2009 at 7:34pm
I also went to Lowes and Home Depot looking for the new competition Ks. No luck. It's be another month I think befor we see it in the local outlets. I'm using plain old K and a little bit of Wicket Lump. It's hot though so I don't use much of it. It works well in my Brinkman Cimarron but I'll wait to try it in the WSM 22.5.
Comment by Gold Bar-B-Q Bob Beeman on February 6, 2009 at 7:27pm
Excellent. You are the first person I have heard from that has gotten the new 22.5 WSM. I bet you can not wait to try it out. Keep us posted. I stopped at Lowe’s yesterday looking for the new Kingsford charcoal but I don’t think it has arrived in the NW yet.
Keep us posted. on your blog.


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