Yesterday was a nice day out, I decided to go check out a BBQ joint, I am a BBQ critic, but I will refrain to myself and will not post them on any Internet Site, I do not want to step on anyones toe's or hurt there buisness in anyway. I checked this one BBQ joint out, had a brisket sandwich and a side of potatoe salad, and a Coke, Here's how it went, I saw the making my sandwich didn't looke to good from the get go, meat looked mushy, small kaiser bun, I really don't care much but as long it is good ! Sat down and proceeded to eat, took one bite of the sandwich and geez bad sauce and yes mushy meat, the side of potatoe salad, was worse, it had the texture of mashed potatoes with un-godly hearbs in it, on a point score 1-10 I'd give it a maybe 2, the sad thing is I was in there around 2:00 pm and there was about 15 patrons there besides me ! I wonder, man this place is in a dam good location, what would happen if the product was good ! Someday I'll open my own BBQ joint ! Untill then I'm checking out the Competion
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