Gold Bar-B-Q

Where Friends & BBQ Come Together


What you've heard is correct. As they come from the factory the charcoal grate is too close to the lower vents and actually hits the vent tang preventing it from closing 100%. The interferance is perhaps in the range of 20% or less but in my limited experience, one cook, that is enough to make me want to fix it.

My solution is to make an "L" shaped bracket with sides of approx 1 1/2" and 3/4" inches and bolt that to the upper leg bolts inside the bottom which will then raise the charcoal grate about 1/2" and solve the problem.

I don't think it hampered my cooking ability but what the heck might as well fix it.

As you can see from my one photo the fit is quite good with very little smoke excape anywhere. Even the door seems to fit well.

Sutter has them for 399 plus tax. that's a good price and I just might get a second one.


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Comment by Gold Bar-B-Q Bob Beeman on February 8, 2009 at 3:26pm
Very good information. I have always loved the WSM and now this opens a whole new world of possibilities. If two chimneys filled the charcoal pan half full, held at 220 I bet if you filled it all the way full you would be good for a full two days of cooking. Thanks for keeping us posted. I sure got a craving for some ribs all the sudden. Chicken on the kettle tonight.


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