Gold Bar-B-Q

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Cooker’s Questions & Answers
From Pellets, Stick Burners to Water Smokers.
Anything you may want to ask or answer about any type of BBQ cooker in general.

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I have a question ; when one buy's a new grill/smoker do you "season" it,and what is the best method ??. I'm in the process of building my own due to money restraints,any and all info would be greatly appriceated thank you.
will post more pic's as progress goes on untill finished .
Here is a link from the Klose Pit site:
Painting and curing from the Master!
Here is my old New Braunfels Silver Smoker that I found for $15, Sorry- no "before" pics, but it was a rustbucket POS that the previous owners neglected. I stripped it down, removed as much rust as possible, added another set of wheels for that Nascar look, Oak table slats and handles and a few other modifications that others might be interested in.

Some of the modifications you can do to make a New Braunfels, Char-Griller, Brinkmann or Char-Broil offsets a bit more efficient are pretty simple. I used Permatex High Temp silicone to seal the cook chamber door, fabbed a charcoal basket, made a heat deflector that directs the heat from the firebox under the food grate, lowered the exhaust stack to the grate level with a piece of pipe and added a couple small Char-Broil replacement thermometers in the door at the grate level.

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