Gold Bar-B-Q

Where Friends & BBQ Come Together

My Page
What is a theme and how do I change it?
A theme is simply the color scheme and styling of your profile page. When you join the network, a profile page on that network is created for you. You can edit your page's theme by logging in and clicking the “My Page” tab. Follow the link at the top of the left column of the page to change "Theme." You can choose a theme for your page, entirely separate from the network's theme, and customize the color of each item on the page.

What is a text box and what can I put in it?
A text box is a box to which you can add a variety of content. It's just another way to make your page your own! Simply click the "Edit" button in the top right corner of the text box on your “My Page” to get started. There is a text box for your profile information, your calendar, and you can comment on the walls of your friends on GBBQ with Us. You can add the following to the text box on your page: Text HTML

How do I change my profile photo?
Log in to the site and click the "My Page" tab. Click on the "My Photo" link under your location. You’ll find a profile photo option on the following page, click on the image icon and hit the browse button to choose a new photo. When you upload a new photo, the old one will be deleted. New profile photos can take up to thirty minutes to show up, so don't worry if your new photo doesn't appear immediately.

How do I add photos?
You can add photos by clicking on the photos link located under the photo tab at the top of the page, there you’ll find a green plus sign on the right. You can upload them from your computer, mobile phone, Flickr, or email account. You can choose who views your photo by choosing one of three options: anyone, just your friends, or just you. We like to show off our member’s photos from time to time and by choosing the anyone option, your photo may end up on the GBBQ homepage slideshow.

How do I delete a photo?
To delete a photo, go to that photo's detail page. In the toolbar to the right of the photo, locate the red X with a link to "Delete Photo." Click on this link.

How do I see a specific person's photos?
You can view a member's photos page by clicking on their name next to a photo, or by selecting the "View Photos" link under their name on the photo's detail page.

How do I check my messages?
You can check messages by clicking on the envelope icon located inside the right hand box with your login name on it. That box appears at the top right of each page.

Do I have a blog? Where is it?
Every member of the Gold Bar-B-Q Community has his or her own page on the site, including a blog. To get to your blog, click on the My Page tab. Find the "My Blog" box in the middle column of the page. You can add a blog post by clicking on the "Write your first entry!" link. Once you write the first entry in your blog, this link will disappear. A link prompting you to "Create a new blog post" will now appear at the bottom of your blog on your page.

What are groups?
Groups are a place where you can connect and talk with other GBBQ community members about a particular topic. You can join as many groups as you like or even start one of your own. Groups can be open for all community members to see or “closed” and viewable only to the members the group administrator invites.

Why does it say I have 15 minutes to edit posts?
To maintain the integrity of discussions and replies, we only allow members to edit posts for 15 minutes. We think this is enough time to correct a typo, while ensuring that people don't "rewrite history." We do, however, let members delete their own posts at any time

Post Updates On Events
To post updates on events. Go to the calendar and click on the event name that you want to post the update to it will open that event’s window with more information about the event. Then you will see a box that says
“Your RSVP” you must select one of three options then a text box will open below the “Comment Wall” in that area you can add a comment, photos, links or any information you would like. Once the information is added click the “Add Comment” bottom your information will then be posted there and at the same time it will also automatically add the post on the home page in the “Latest Activity” area. Again you will not be able to add a comment to an event until you select an RSVP option. You can change your RSVP choice at ant time.

How do I submit an event?
I’ve been gathering BBQ and related event information from around the NW and am always looking for more! If you have an event to add click on link.

This is just a basic help summary and if you do not find your Q & A here check the
extensive help center

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How To Use Chat
You can participate in the chatroom directly from any page of the social network, by accessing the Chat bar at the bottom of the page. From the Chat bar, you can see the number of members signed into Chat, pop the Chat window up, pop the Chat window out into a new window, and toggle your status as online or disconnected from Chat.
When you sign in to the GBBQ site with the Chat feature on it, you will automatically appear as "online" in the chatroom.
In the right column, a list of members currently in the chatroom / online appears.
Clicking on a member's profile photo pops up a dialogue that allows you to view their profile on the site.
Initiate a private chat. When a member accepts, the two of you will be placed in your own separate chatroom. You can hop back into the main chatroom by clicking the "Main" tab.

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