Gold Bar-B-Q

Where Friends & BBQ Come Together


Total Members 9,811
Team names on file 3,689
Number of Cert. Table Captains 215
Number of Master Judges 288
Number of Cert. Judges 7,370
Number of KCBS Sanctioned Contests 261

State, No.of KCBS Members, No.of KCBS CBJs & No.of KCBS sanctioned Contests.

Alabama 377 313 9
Alaska 5 0 0
Arizona 80 54 2
Arkansas 130 90 5
California 291 199 6
Colorado 272 213 8
Connecticut 33 20 1
Delaware 38 34 1
DC 8 7 1
Florida 359 303 5
Georgia 391 298 8
Hawaii 1 0 0
Idaho 25 16 1
Illinois 448 334 14
Indiana 161 105 4
Iowa 367 316 12
Kansas 1,049 729 34
Kentucky 107 77
Louisiana 66 38 2
Maine 7 4 0
Maryland 188 154 4
Massachusetts 131 116 1
Michigan 138 92 4
Minnesota 186 137 5
Mississippi 113 88 7
Missouri 1,262 911 42
Montana 6 3 0
Nebraska 212 167 6
Nevada 37 25 1
New Hampshire 44 40 1
New Jersey 138 90 4
New Mexico 76 63 1
New York 331 269 5
North Carolina 245 168 8
North Dakota 38 29 1
Ohio 161 121 3
Oklahoma 312 251 9
Oregon 53 34 1
Pennsylvania 202 156 4
Rhode Island 17 15 0
South Carolina 190 134 5
South Dakota 53 42 2
Tennessee 580 454 16
Texas 107 50 0
Utah 92 86 2
Vermont 18 13 1
Virginia 231 173 2
Washington 62 45 0
West Virginia 54 48 1
Wisconsin 218 176 6
Wyoming 29 27 2

Australia 2 1 0
Canada 50 31 0
England 4 4 0
Estonia 2 2 0
Germany 1 1 0
Ireland 2 2 0
Liechtenstein 1 0 0
Mexico 1 1 0
Netherlands 1 0 0
Norway 1 0 0
Switzerland 7 1 0

Views: 34

Replies to This Discussion

Looks pretty bleak for the Pacific Northwest! Has anyone heard if Albany OR is on this year? I didn't see it on the Bullsheet.
I will call the Albany Visitors Association Tuesday and see what I can find out. Also lets contact Jim Monihan he may know?



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